GDDP has transitioned to Project Greenlight

In response to industry demand, VEC has reimagined the GDDP program as a membership-based network consisting of major asset owners in Metro Vancouver. Current members include TransLink, FortisBC, City of Vancouver, City of New Westminster, and QuadReal Properties.

Go to Project Greenlight



GDDP enables its participants to do the following:

  • Refine technology/solutions
  • Accelerate the commercialize of their technology
  • Attract investment
  • Gain traction and sales in the marketplace
  • Leverage the City’s $31 billion green and innovative brand

Since its launch in 2014, GDDP has been making an impact in the start-up ecosystem. Watch the video above to learn more about how current participants are taking full advantage of the program as well as the City’s resources and support.

How it Works

The Vancouver Economic Commission has designed the GDDP to support your product demonstration and promotion efforts. Read the step-by-step breakdown on what to expect during the process, from submitting your application to deployment. Be sure to check out the list of available city assets that successful applicants gain access to.

How It Works

What does it take to be a successful GDDP candidate?

Successful GDDP applicants are innovators who are seeking proof-of-concept trials or showcasing opportunities. We encourage prospective candidates to carefully review the acceptance criteria as only a limited number of top-ranked applicants will be approved. Please be advised that the products accepted must be viable for testing on available City-owned assets.
See Acceptance Criteria

Looking for more information?

Reviewing these supporting documents will assist ensuring your application for the GDDP is as strong as possible. The reports included in this section have been useful for past GDDP applicants. They feature cleantech funding opportunities, City of Vancouver policies and past reports on former GDDP projects.

Learn More

A History of Success

From quantum dot lights to automated staff booking software, the GDDP has facilitated a variety of innovative projects across a wide range of city assets.
GDDP Participants

The Green and Digital Demonstration Program allows entrepreneurs and companies to pilot, test, demonstrate, or showcase their innovation by leveraging City-owned assets or infrastructure.