VEF: Chasing Growth Capital

Logo for VEF: Chasing Growth Capital

On Tuesday February 21st, Vancouver Entrepreneurs Forum will host a discussion on chasing growth capital.

The past three years have seen record amounts of growth capital invested in Vancouver tech companies. Vancouver was also recognized as having the highest rate of head office growth in 2016.

With that said, despite strong growth in angel and seed investments, raising Series A and B still remains a key pain point for local tech CEOs and CFO. And the last quarter of 2016 saw BC land 15 deals for $109M while 81 Washington based companies pulled in over half of a billion in capital.

How do increased capitalizations of our existing funds help unlock new opportunities? What will new funds and government investment mean to our companies? What will come of the focus on the Cascadia region? On February 21 join the VEF for an important, entrepreneur focused look at ‘chasing growth capital’ in the year ahead.


Tickets may be bought here!