Our Team

Mariya Chugay | Analyst, Economic Transformation Circular Economy

Mariya Chugay

Analyst, Economic Transformation
Circular Economy

Mariya supports various strategic projects and programs to accelerate Vancouver’s transition to a circular economy. In this role, she channels both her passion for supporting local businesses as well as the resolve to ensure the circular transition leaves no one behind.

Mariya brings experience in managing non-profits, guiding organizations in building measurable zero-waste objectives, and convening thought leaders for climate action. Her career in business sustainability to date features numerous instances of advocacy and support to organizations adopting social and environmentally driven practices. Prior to her role at VEC, she supported the British Columbia Institute of Technology in developing its first-ever sustainability report. 

She has served on numerous youth and not-for-profit boards and associations, including Connecting Environmental Professionals Vancouver, the Canadian Business Youth Council for Sustainable Development, and the John Molson Sustainable Enterprise Committee. Mariya holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Concordia University and numerous awards for her leadership in sustainability.