PG Connects 2019 Application Form Company/Studio Name*Please write your company name the way you wish to have it appear in all public communications. Primary Point(s) of Contact*The first person in this list will be treated as the primary point of contact. If there are other members of your team that are likely to attend, please include them here. PrefixFirst NameLast NameJob TitleEmail AddressMobile Phone Number Your company Website* Company Twitter Handle* Are you interested in participating as a speaker in any panels or key note presentations?* Yes No What is your topic of choice?*We will respond to you personally with next steps on how to register with PG Connects as a speaker. Please provide a company bio or description:*100 words maximumPlease provide a personal bio or description:*100 words maximumPlease upload your company logo in vector formatHigh resolution, CMYK logos are preferred: jpg, gif, png, pdf. If you have an EPS version, please also send that to Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 15 MB.Please upload your personal headshot*High resolution, JPEG If the file is too large, please send it directly to Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 250 MB, Max. files: 5.