Leading research from Berkeley’s Haas School of Business reveals that gender balanced boards perform better and give higher priority to environmental and social issues. We’ve got a long way to go as numbers from Statistics Canada paint a damning picture for boardroom diversity: fewer than one in five board positions in corporate Canada – just 19.4 percent – are filled by women.
Vancouver Economic Commission (VEC) CEO Catherine Warren published a recent article in Women in Business distributed by Business in Vancouver. In it, she makes a case for corporate boardroom transformation and business with purpose. Catherine also drops a few tips for CEOs ready to begin recruiting a diverse board.

“While it may seem bold to pack your board with powerhouse women, it’s really a bottom-line decision. More gender-equitable boards provide better financial returns, including higher returns on equity, returns on sales and returns on invested capital.”
– Catherine Warren, CEO, Vancouver Economic Commission
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Board equity is one of many factors in the path toward gender equality, closing the wage gap, and wider equity. VEC supports intersectional diversity and inclusion.
VEC is proud to be led and supported by powerful, progressive women looking to change the world of economic development for the better. Our CEO, two-thirds of both our Board of Directors and two-thirds of our Senior Management Team are women of diverse backgrounds. VEC’s direction and drive is richer and stronger for it.