PDF Archives | Vancouver Economic Commission
Reducing Barriers to Purchasing Zero-Emissions Commercial Vehicles
What is Advanced Air Mobility?
What is Advanced Air Mobility | A Guide to Vancouver and BC's Existing Advanced Air Mobility Clusters and the Potential Next Steps Necessary for its Takeoff in the Region
Carbon Markets in BC
What are carbon markets in BC | A Guide to Leveraging Carbon Markets to Decarbonize British Columbia in the Post-Paris Agreement World
Best Practices for a Just Transition in Vancouver
The report features a high-level definition of what a just transition could mean for Vancouver, an overview
of global practices, context for impending labour transitions in two of the city's highest-emitting sectors, and recommendations for a way forward. -
A “Right to Food” Framework for a Just Circular Economy of Food
Vancouver Economic Commission (VEC) and City of Vancouver (COV) are actively engaging in a transition toward a just circular economy of food (CFE) that has the potential to resolve two interrelated systemic issues: food waste and food insecurity. This report takes a novel approach by incorporating a “right to food” framework to support a circular food economy that designs waste out of the system, promotes food security, and centres justice and equity.
Sustainable Mortgage-backed Securities and Retrofit Financing
PACE Financing and Resilience in BC
Remote Work, COVID-19, and Downtown Vancouver
Vancouver Economy Report October 2020
This quarterly report covers unique data and analyses specific to Vancouver’s economy.
The Contech Ecosystem in Metro Vancouver
This industry briefing summarizes a BCIT research project and report undertaken for Scius Advisory and the Vancouver Economic Commission (VEC). The briefing presents a snapshot of the emerging construction tech (“contech”) industry in Metro Vancouver, including active companies, their revenues and employees. The report also outlines potential barriers to further adoption and innovation.
Supported by: Scius Advisory, Vancouver Regional Construction Association, BCIT and VEC
VEC Economy Report July 2020
This document is a monthly roundup of the COVID-19-related impacts, mitigations, and recovery planning for the Vancouver economy with additional global insights and thought-leadership. The purpose is to provide a Vancouver-centric briefing to City of Vancouver Leadership and staff at the Vancouver Economic Commission.
This edition was originally published on July 16, 2020.
The Business Case for Deconstruction
Economic and environmental impacts of a demolition-deconstruction shift in Metro Vancouver.
VEC Economy Report June 2020
This document is a monthly roundup of the COVID-19-related impacts, mitigations, and recovery planning for the Vancouver economy with additional global insights and thought-leadership. The purpose is to provide a Vancouver-centric briefing to City of Vancouver Leadership and staff at the Vancouver Economic Commission.
This edition was originally published on June 6, 2020. A revision was released June 15, 2020.
Renewable Energy Challenge Outcomes Report
This workshop summary report underscores the drive in local businesses for collective action to address climate change.
City of Vancouver Business Energy and Emissions Profile 2016
Prepared for the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Economic Commission, this report by Climate Smart provides a high-level view of business sector emissions within the City of Vancouver.
Towards the Circular Economy
False Creek Flats: Business Emissions and Energy Profile
A Summary of the Liveability Ranking and Overview 2015
The Economist Intelligence Unit's liveability rating across five broad categories of Stability, Healthcare, Culture and environment, Education and Infrastructure.
KPMG British Columbia Technology Report Card 2014
The KPMG Tech Report Card paints a detailed statistical portrait of the BC technology sector, comparing it to other industries in BC and to technology industries across Canada and globally.
The Smart Economy Reshaping Canada’s Workforce 2015
ICTC’s labour market research captures critical economic and labour market indicators of the Canadian ICT workforce and aims to provide evidence and data to help inform decision making.